Tag: Science

Opportunities in Sustainability- November 17, 2022

Introducing our latest installment of “Opportunities in Sustainability” – our email round-up of relevant opportunities from and within the sustainability community delivered straight to your inbox! […]

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Building Partnerships and Nurturing Connections with EPIC-Asia Seed Grants

To unite the human capital of universities in Asia with local governments and communities to improve the quality of life, advance social wealth, and support the […]

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Highlighting EPIC at the African Regional online Teach-In on Climate and Justice- A blog by START’s Mzime Murisa

Recently, I was invited by the African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development (ANYL4PSD) to be a Speaker at the African Regional online […]

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Progress for ProGREEN Leadership Fellows

Beginning earlier this year, START and Reos are convening 16 Francophone, West African early-career renewable energy scientists and professionals for the ProGREEN Leadership Labs, which aim […]

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