Future Earth is organizing a virtual training and networking workshop to make the recently launched Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action funding opportunity on Pathways to Sustainability more accessible for early career researchers from Africa. The workshop will take place online on…
A new series of impact stories and country briefs related to the Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL) project is now available online. These products, developed by the FRACTAL team and Future Climate for Africa (FCFA), aim at providing a summary of…
1. What is a BCER and why are these systems a promising strategy for those living in Koutiala? BCER is a French acronym which stands for Bassin de Collecte des Eaux de Ruissellement. It is a catchment constructed for collecting…
START’s newsletters offer the latest on research innovations, science capacity development in Africa and Asia, and opportunities in sustainability science from START and partners.
By Stellenbosch University Food, water, and energy are all fundamental resources for communities to thrive. Megatrends such as demographic and economic growth, changing user practices and rapid urbanisation continue to increase the demand for food, energy, and water globally. This…
By ICLEI Africa It is increasingly clear that the intertwined challenges we face in approaching sustainability require greater coordination across sectors, fields and stakeholders. The IFWEN project has been exploring how to develop enabling environments in cities which promote innovation…
By Dr. Kevin Winter, Environmental & Geographical Science Department, Lead Researcher: Future Water Institute, University of Cape Town Contaminated runoff from informal settlements in South Africa poses an immediate public health risk to residents living in compact urban spaces, but…
We are pleased to announce that, on May 28, START signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). The MoU provides a framework for mutual activities over the next four years. START and IGES will work…
Even as the global pandemic eases in some countries, we must appreciate that COVID-19 is likely to be with us for an extended period. It is bringing significant disruption to how, and how well, we work as individuals within our…
The NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (LCLUC) Program has recently announced that the Commercial Small-sat Data Acquisition Program (CSDAP) evaluates and procures data from commercial vendors that advance NASA’s Earth science research and applications activities. Currently, data acquired during the evaluations of…
I am truly honored to be selected as START’s next Executive Director. In my 12 years with START, I have repeatedly witnessed the uniqueness and value that START brings to its mission of advancing global change science capacities. START’s value…