WASCAL II – Research Call (WRAP 2.0)
February 25, 2019

WASCAL has issued a call for proposals for research activities supporting the “WASCAL II – West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use” under the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s (BMBF) “Research for Sustainable Development” framework programme. 

Priority Research Themes:

1. Land use and Cover/Land Degradation/Climate Change Nexus 

2. Risks and Vulnerability to Climate Extremes 

3. Rural-urban and Cross Border Migration in West Africa 

4. Sustainable Agriculture/Climate Smart Landscapes Nexus. 

Funding is provided to institutions including non-university research institutions, governmental and non-governmental organisations and commercial companies headquartered in the WASCAL member countries Germany, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, The Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo and Cabo Verde. 

Download the full call for proposals:  English  –  French

Deadline: June 14, 2019

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