Following the three regional meetings in West Africa, East and Southern Africa, and Asia, START organized a short-course training for the Points of Contacts (PoCs) representing the 13 LUCCC universities participating in the UNI-LEAD (LDC University Leadership for Catalyzing Climate Adaptation Finance) project. This training workshop, a pivotal element of the UNI-LEAD project, took place from October 10 to 13 in Kampala, Uganda.

Developed by the Project Management Unit (PMU) the primary objective of the training was to introduce and review five short courses on climate finance. Throughout the four-day session, the draft versions of these short courses were presented in engaging and interactive sessions to the PoCs. During the discussions, the PMU gathered valuable feedback on the content, which will be integrated to the ongoing refinement and development of these short courses.
The training has courses five courses :
- Basics of climate finance
- Climate science foundation of climate finance
- Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in climate finance
- Climate finance and public & private sector funding
- Developing concept notes for Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness grants
The training provided PoCs a great opportunity to learn about the environment in which GCF concepts are developed, as well as to practice developing GCF proposals and gain a better understanding of important components like gender mainstreaming and climate rationality. START is currently developing a refined and tailored set of courses to support PoCs in extending the training to government officials. Refined courses will better strengthen their ability to develop strong proposals to the GCF and mobilize funds to address pressing issues of climate adaptation in their respective countries.

You can check START’s UNI-LEAD page for more updates soon!”.