In January, START initiated a collaboration with the GEF, UNEP and the Least Developed Countries’ University Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC) to strengthen capacities of universities in least-developed countries (LDCs) to more effectively advise their governments on implementing climate change adaptation measures that can lead to more fully accessing international climate finance. A virtual project inception workshop took place on March 7-8, which served to officially launch the project.
The project entitled Strengthening Endogenous Capacities of Least Developed Countries to Access Finance for Climate Change Adaptation, for which START is the implementation lead, involves 15 LDC universities and their respective governments. Over the next two years, the project will undertake a series of actions to strengthen capacities for universities to engage governments on adaptation projects, including the creation of think tanks based at five of the universities that will develop fee-based services for governments. This project is designed to foster a more sustainable and robust model for accessing climate finance in LDCs, which currently rely on external consultants to develop projects that attract climate finance.