Call for pre-proposals: Co-funded small grant program on the role of ecosystem services in adaptation to global change for human wellbeing
March 3, 2018

The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), an intergovernmental organization composed of 19 Parties in the Americas, identifies adaptation to the impacts of global change as an issue of the highest relevance that the region should address through scientific collaboration and transdisciplinary research.

This Small Grant Program (SGP-HW) aims to link science and policy to achieve social-ecological sustainability and human welfare goals. The approach adopted under the SGP-HW, namely, a combination of “ecosystem services” and “adaptation” reinforces the need for transdisciplinary research by integrating natural and social sciences.

Objectives of the Small Grants Program

– Encourage scientists in the Americas to focus on global change research that responds to the challenges identified by the IAI Conference of the Parties and the global frameworks provided by multi-lateral environmental agreements and organizations, including the SDGs;

– Enhance the capacity of scientists to develop, conduct and disseminate high-quality, solutionoriented, integrated transdisciplinary research on global change;

– Foster research collaboration at the regional level by linking research institutions and other relevant institutions across disciplines and countries;

– Strengthen capabilities, particularly of early to mid-career scientists, to undertake integrated transdisciplinary research on global sustainability;

– Contribute to global-change solutions that increase the social-ecological sustainability of the Americas;

– Develop open data products and mechanisms;

– Develop mechanisms for co-funding regional research;

– Strengthen the science-police interface in global change issues; and,

– Improve science evaluation mechanisms and monitoring of its impacts.


– 28 February 2018: Call opening;

– 27 May 2018: deadline for submission of pre-proposals;

– 29 June 2018: Selection of pre-proposals; invitation to proposal writing workshop;

– 06-10 August 2018: Proposal writing workshop. Pre-selected applicants are expected to attend;

– 15 October 2018: Announcement of proposals selected for funding;

– 15-30 October: Signing of grant agreements;

– November 2018: Start of funded research activities.

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