Call for abstracts and financial assistance applications: FLARE (Forests & Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement) Meeting
March 26, 2018

In partnership with the University of Copenhagen and the University of East Anglia, the 4th Annual Meeting of the FLARE (Forests & Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement) network will be held at the University of Copenhagen, October 17-20, 2018.

It will continue to elicit presentations around a variety of key topics in the field, but will also offer a pointed opportunity to share and discuss our successes and failures in research and in practice. Special issue proposals from accepted papers are a possibility, and we welcome participant engagement in proposal development. The meeting will also feature workshops on “Sharing research for impact” and on FLARE’s app-based tools (LivWell and CommFor), and we welcome abstracts for additional participant-facilitated workshops. Abstracts for oral presentations, lightning talks, panel sessions, posters, and workshops must address a meeting theme and follow the abstract guidelines.

Deadline: April, 1

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