How Co-FARM is paving new pathways for deep stakeholder engagement during a pandemic
December 7, 2020

In October 2020, START joined with partners spread over six different countries and using three languages (French, Bambara and English) for the official launch meeting of the Collaboration For Adaptation and Resilience in Mali (Co-FARM) project. The virtual meeting brought together scientists, NGO representatives, student researchers and more from the Rural Polytechnical Institute for Training and Applied Research (IPR/IFRA) in Katibougou, Mali; the Association Malienne d’Éveil au Développement Durable (AMEDD) in Koutiala, Mali; the Université Nationale d’Agriculture in Benin; ReosPartners (South Africa and France); and START (USA and Senegal) to explore how best to achieve shared use and management goals for water and associated benefits linked to runoff catchments called BCERs (Bassin de Collecte des Eaux de Ruissellement).

Next, the team will be working together with Malian student researchers on a virtual learning lab in December to best connect their personal career goals and interests to their work on the Co-FARM project before proceeding with deeper stakeholder engagement and learning in the new year.

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